What Guides Your Heart

How the Old Testament Compares to the New Testament

A few years ago, I read a book in which Proverbs 4:23 was used as the basis of protecting your heart. It goes,” keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life”. The book was very insightful, illuminating the varying degrees by which Christians can be attacked. I must say though, when reading any Christian book, I always pray and ask the Lord to help me to discern if there is anything that does not line up with Scripture. At that time, I could not denote an issue with the book. I was so excited to have this newfound direction that I bought all the books pertaining to the subject along with workbooks with intentions on using them all.

What I have also learned along my journey is that scriptures can be used out of context. In the day this proverb was written, the Holy Ghost had not been available for everyone, it was the law by which the people lived.

In the New Testament, the Holy Ghost is what rules our hearts, as long as we remain yielded to it. That is done in our daily reading of the Word, submission in our prayer time and the continual acknowledgment of the Holy Ghost as we go through our day, giving Him the power He came to give us. He came to give us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind, all of these being in operation when our hearts are led by His Spirit.